British Government Officially Recognizes Daesh Genocide Against the Yazidis


London (Parliament Politic Magazine) – The U.K. government has officially acknowledged the heinous acts committed by the Islamic State group against the Yazidis as genocide. This significant announcement arrives nearly a decade after the atrocities took place and aligns with a German court’s previous determination of the events as genocide.

The recognition of the Islamic State group’s atrocities against the Yazidis as genocide by the U.K. government marks a crucial step towards acknowledging the gravity of these crimes. It signifies a long-overdue acknowledgment of the immense suffering endured by the Yazidi community at the hands of this extremist group.

Yazidi Population at The Merciless Hands of Daesh

In a momentous declaration, Lord Ahmad, the minister of state for the Middle East, solemnly addressed the nation, shedding light on the harrowing plight endured by the Yazidi population at the merciless hands of Daesh, an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group, nearly a decade ago. The reverberations of this tragedy continue to reverberate to this day, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of countless individuals.

Recognizing the paramount importance of justice and accountability, we stand united in acknowledging the historical truth that the Yazidi people were subjected to acts of genocide. This determination further reinforces our unwavering commitment to guaranteeing that they receive the rightful compensation and have access to a fair justice system.

 The United Kingdom will persist in taking a prominent stance in eradicating Daesh, not only by rebuilding the communities impacted by its acts of terrorism but also by spearheading global initiatives to combat its toxic propaganda.

The Islamic State group, a non-state actor, garnered unparalleled support from foreign fighters and launched a brutal assault on Sinjar, perpetrating heinous acts against the Yazidis, an ethno-religious minority group in Iraq. This onslaught resulted in the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent individuals.

UK Government Takes Official Stand on Daesh Genocide

In a disturbing continuation of their campaign, the militants also kidnapped young boys, forcing them into becoming child soldiers, while women and girls were subjected to the abhorrent practice of slavery.

More than 2,700 women and children remain missing, their fate shrouded in uncertainty. The heinous acts committed against them have been unequivocally acknowledged as constituting genocide, as affirmed by the governments of the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands, the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and various United Nations entities.

In a recent announcement, the U.K. government acknowledged the significance of the German Federal Court of Justice’s ruling earlier this year. The court had found a former IS fighter guilty of committing acts of genocide and crimes against humanity in Iraq. The U.K. government firmly believes that the authority to determine cases of genocide should rest with competent courts, rather than being left to governments or non-judicial bodies. This position emphasizes the importance of legal expertise and impartiality in such grave matters.

However, the announcement fails to address why the U.K. government has not acknowledged the findings of genocide made by other competent German courts, especially after the German Federal Court of Justice’s determination. It is worth noting that as of August 2023, three German courts have unequivocally classified these heinous acts as genocide.

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Daesh Genocide Recognized by British Government

Despite the delay, the announcement holds great significance as it acknowledges the profound pain and suffering endured by this community. Murad Ismael, the esteemed president and co-founder of Sinjar Academy, as well as the co-founder and former executive director of Yazda, warmly embraces this determination, stating, “As the Yazidis solemnly commemorate the Yazidi genocide and as the plight of our people persists, the recognition from the U.K. arrives at a crucial juncture.”

We deeply value the unwavering efforts of our Yazidi allies in the United Kingdom who have tirelessly worked to ensure that this genocide is not overlooked or forgotten. Therefore, extend our gratitude to Lord Alton of Liverpool, Brendan OHara MP, Baroness Kennedy KC, the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Yazidis, Coalition for Genocide Response, Yazda, Free Yezidi Foundation, Nadia’s Initiative.

The Yezidi Emergency Support, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute BAHRI, and numerous others who have played a crucial role in this cause.  Their dedication and support have been instrumental in raising awareness and seeking justice for the Yazidi community.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.