New Study Unveils the Most In-Demand Job Searches in the UK and Europe

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UK (Parliament Politic Magazine) –  In 2023, Brother UK embarked on a fresh study to explore the evolving landscape of the global job market over the past three years. Their objective was to gauge the impact of the pandemic, economic uncertainties, remote and hybrid work arrangements, as well as advancements in AI technologies on job-seeking trends worldwide.

The Most Searched Jobs in the UK

Teaching assistant roles continue to dominate the list of the most sought-after jobs in the UK. Nevertheless, there are indications that interest in these positions might be on the decline. 

Back in 2019, over 288,000 individuals were using Google to search for teaching assistant positions. However, since 2020, there has been a 5% reduction in the average annual search volume, which now stands at 275,000.

An analysis of UK search data reveals that the most significant surge in job searches within the education sector was for qualified teaching positions. While many educators express a desire to remain in the teaching profession, some are contemplating changing schools to improve their career prospects.

A recent survey conducted by the National Education Union revealed that teachers are increasingly inclined to seek career advancement opportunities at different schools rather than within their current educational institutions.

Real Estate Job Positions The Most Frequently Searched Jobs 

Back in 2019, the second and third most frequently searched-for job positions in the UK were estate agents, with 105,700 searches, and project managers, with 99,300 searches. While searches for both of these roles saw an uptick, they were edged out of the top five by the surging interest in teaching and cabin crew jobs.

The aviation sector faced significant turbulence at the onset of the pandemic, stemming from reduced flight operations. With the gradual relaxation of international travel restrictions, airlines that endured the crisis have had to reacquire talent to bolster their workforce.

Photography-related job searches experienced one of the most notable declines in the UK. Searches for photography positions dropped by 17%, failing to secure a spot among the ten most sought-after jobs in 2023. Stock image photographers are also confronting formidable competition from AI technology, which can generate highly realistic images cost-effectively.

The Most In-Demand Jobs in Europe

Throughout the continent, careers in human resources emerged as the top search queries. Nevertheless, our study revealed notable regional disparities, contingent on the specific job market dynamics in each country.

In Germany, the most substantial search interest was directed towards firefighter positions. According to data from the Economic Research Institute, firefighters in Germany can anticipate an annual income of approximately €45,931. 

While this figure falls slightly below the national average salary in Germany, the outlook for firefighters is promising. Over the last five years, firefighter salaries have witnessed an 18% increase, with predictions suggesting further wage growth in the years to come.

Teaching assistant roles claimed the second spot in Europe’s most searched job rankings, with the majority of searches originating from the UK. Moreover, European countries beyond the UK, particularly Ireland and Germany, also experienced notable surges in searches for teaching assistant positions.

Read More: Britain’s Science Agreement with the European Union in the Post-Brexit Era

The Quest for Science and Technology Employment

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) positions have consistently been in high demand, playing a pivotal role in driving innovation and societal progress. In our prior investigation, mechanical engineering emerged as the most coveted occupation within the STEM domain and held the top spot in global job searches.

Mechanical engineering maintains its standing as an exceptionally sought-after career, with a remarkable 77% surge in the average annual quest for engineering roles. It comes as no surprise that mechanical engineering continues to reign as the most widely searched STEM job globally, with a substantial number of searches originating from South Africa, amassing an annual search volume averaging 123,730.

An eye-catching data trend points to the escalating interest in careers related to data analytics. Global job searches for data analytics have reached an annual average of 780,677, securing a place in the top 10 most searched-for positions, a feat previously unattained. The job markets of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada exhibit the greatest enthusiasm for careers in data analytics.

Beth Malcolm

Beth Malcolm is Scottish based Journalist at Heriot-Watt University studying French and British Sign Language. She is originally from the north west of England but is living in Edinburgh to complete her studies.