On Tuesday, 4th June, a highly anticipated TV debate aired on ITV, featuring Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer. The debate marked a crucial moment ahead of the upcoming General Election on 4th July, where voters
The UK Parliament was officially dissolved on Thursday, 30 May 2024, marking the conclusion of all parliamentary activity in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. This dissolution initiates the lead-up to the general election scheduled for 4 July
The UK's Labour opposition launched its flagship clean energy policy on Friday, aiming to address the country's cost-of-living crisis and distinguish itself from the ruling Conservatives as the general election approaches.
Bank branch closures – RBS should take a leaf from their own book and remember the people they serve
I have lost count of the debates on bank closures, with politicians valiantly fighting for the survival of their local community branch. The impact on older people, on disabled people, on small businesses is raised, correctly. The need for choice, for access
The UK's energy sector regulator, Ofgem, announced on Friday that a reduction in the price cap for household energy bills will commence in July.
Dementia is a monumental health and social care challenge and will be the defining test of our system in the decades to come— but it is simply unacceptable that there are such inequalities in both diagnosis rates and in post-diagnostic care across
How did we get to a situation where a child pretends to eat out of an empty lunchbox because they did not qualify for free school meals and did not want their friends to know there was no food at home? Where
Figures published by the Office for National Statistics show that UK services export volumes have risen nine times faster than goods since 2010. The UK is already the second largest exporter of services in the world, after the USA, and has world
There is no doubt about the importance of the role that the under-10-metre fishing fleet plays nationally and locally. According to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the fleet represents around 80% of the UK’s total fishing vessels and lands
The discovery and development of vaccinations is one of the most significant and impactful achievements in human history. Vaccines have proved to be one of the most successful public health measures to control, and in many cases eliminate entirely, deadly and infectious